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Learn the Top Reasons Why You Should Install Solar Energy Panels

Solar panels are a great source of energy and they help to reduce energy costs. Solar panels also reduce the environmental impact of your home and provide you with a host of benefits that include supporting local business, making a contribution to...

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solar energy systems


Advancements in solar technology have made solar systems that are aesthetically pleasing, more affordable, and customers are given greater energy independence with advancements in battery technologies. With all these developments, there has never...

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Net Metering program


We all know that the Ontario government’s Feed in Tariff programs had been phased out but many do not know that Ontarians can still install solar panels and connect them to the grid under Net Metering program. The Net Metering program provides...

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battery and solar powers

New Dawn Energy’s Solar + Storage Offering

New Dawn Energy sets a new standard in clean energy by offering the highest quality pairing of solar + energy storage equipment. This solution is now available to our residential grid-tied and off-grid customers in Ontario and around the world. New...

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Is Solar Energy A Good Resource for Your Business?

The utility prices have significantly increased over the years and on the contrary, the cost of purchasing and installing solar systems has taken a downfall. This has resulted in an increased sale of solar systems. Not only have the businesses,...

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Convincing Reasons That Suggest You Should Go Solar

Switching to solar energy usage isn’t an easy option to take. It will require investment and effort to make this big change. This one change will alter your lifestyle for the entire period that you are going to be alive. If you find it to be a...

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solar panels